We provide high-end home staging and interior design services without the high-end price tag.

Unlimited Designs Staging provides high-end, elegant, more affordable home staging and interior design services to real estate professionals and home sellers. Our main goal is to assist you in getting your property in the best presentable shape for the market, while staying within your budget.

Why Stage a Home?

• A staged home procures offers up to 17% higher vs homes that are not staged.

 Almost a third of buyers will overlook property faults when a home is professionally staged.

 Spending 1% of the value of the home on staging, can yield a 1000% return on your investment. For example, spending $2000 on your $200,000 property is worth the $20,000 on average return you’ll see, over your neighbor who showed an empty property.

• Buyers decide to buy homes or properties based on emotional connection and not necessarily logic. Staging the property gives potential buyers the opportunity to imagine what living in the space would actually be like.

• Staged homes sell faster and above listing price!

our services

Occupied Home Staging

When potential buyers come to view a house, they need to be able to visualize themselves living in it. Your home needs to appeal to the masses! Regardless if you prefer to do the staging yourself or have us do the full staging, we’ve got you covered with one of our Occupied Home Staging options below. 

If you want to stage your property yourself and need our expert design eye along with professional advice on how to best prepare the property for sale, our Walk and Talk Consultation is your solution. During this consultation, you will take notes while we walk with you through your home with the eyes of a buyer and discuss each room and/or living space. We single out the best ways to highlight focal points and suggest any changes that need to be made, in order to make your property more appealing to potential buyers. Should you decide to have your property staged by us, we can then provide you with a proposal.

After consulting with you, and using your own furnishings and belongings, we will transform your home. We also may declutter your home or supply additional pieces and accessories to accent the best features of your property, thus creating emotional connection points for buyers.

Vacant Home Staging

Potential buyers have a hard time visualizing the full potential of an empty living space. They aren’t just looking to live within four walls but they are looking for a home that improves their lifestyle and may fulfill their dreams. Staging a home or a room, enables the buyer to get a better visualization of how a room can be used to its full potential. Again, this creates a more emotional connection that will result in the home selling above listing price.

We know how overwhelming it can be to get your property ready for selling and on the market. If you prefer that we handle everything and do full staging for you, we invite you to review what’s included in our vacant home staging packages below.

check out our staging packages!

Our standard package includes the following staged areas:

     • Master Suite

     • Master Bath

     • 1 Living Area

     • Kitchen & Eat-In Area

     • Main Bath

Our Premium package includes the following staged areas:

     • Master Suite

     • Master Bath

     • 1 Living Area

     • Kitchen & Eat-In Area,

     • Main Bath

     • Dining Room

     • Living Room or another room of your choice

Add an additional room of your choosing to any of our packages. This includes interior and exterior spaces.

Not Staging will only help to sell your competition!

Why settle for a lower selling price or a longer marketing period than you have to?

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